Christ the King Lutheran Church

2353 Rice Boulevard

Houston, Texas, 77005, USA


Our Mission

Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church is a welcoming and inclusive community nourished by Christ in vibrant worship and committed to God’s mission of love and service, especially to the oppressed and needy.

Our Values & Beliefs

· Called by the Spirit, we honor Christ and God’s people with integrity.

· We are Christ’s Church, which exists not for itself, but for the world.

· We desire to worship regularly together so that God’s people can be nourished by Christ, develop and emerging individual and collective spiritual identity, and demonstrate the reality of God’s presence in our daily lives.

· We are centered, challenged, and motivated by Christian teachings and practices as viewed through a Lutheran perspective.

· We are Spirit-led, critical thinkers engaged in a learning journey with others.

· We honor and utilize the rich heritage of sacred music, especially emphasizing Lutheran music traditions.

· We believe it is more blessed to give than to receive.

· We welcome opportunities to serve God as a community and as individuals.

· We endeavor to know people, affirm their God-given dignity, and introduce them to Jesus Christ through acts of service so that all may grow in spiritual maturity.

· We believe we are one with all of God’s children and creation. We will collaborate with individuals, faith communities, and other organizations with shared values.

· As partners, we will engage in just relationships with other characterized by healthy boundaries, fiscal accountability, shared vision, and clear communications.


Congregation Emanu El


First Presbyterian Church